The EuroQCI will be a secure quantum communication infrastructure spanning the whole EU, including its overseas territories.

The European Commission is working with all 27 EU Member States, and the European Space Agency (ESA), to design, develop and deploy the European quantum communication infrastructure (EuroQCI), which will be composed of a terrestrial segment relying on fibre communications networks linking strategic sites at national and cross-border level, and a space segment based on satellites. It will be an integral part of IRIS², the new EU space-based secure communication system.

Lux4QCI is working through bilateral cooperation with other national QCIs and multilaterally with EuroQCI to plan future concrete actions towards a European QCI. Lux4QCI will achieve the alignment at a EuroQCI level by actively interfacing with other national counterparts in order to pave the way for cross-border connectivity. This is in-line with the vision of a fully-fledged and technologically autonomous European quantum communication industry and contributing to preparations for the full deployment of the EuroQCI